Добро пожаловать на нашу страницу курсов, где знания и инновации встречаются, вдохновляя вас на личный и профессиональный рост. Наш разнообразный спектр курсов предлагает возможность полностью раскрыть ваш потенциал в различных областях знаний. Если вы хотите приобрести новые навыки, расширить свои существующие таланты или открыть для себя новые захватывающие горизонты, наши тщательно разработанные программы призваны дать вам возможность на вашем пути обучения и стать профессиональным мастером маникюра и экспертом отрасли.

Курсы для начинающих

Professional Awareness
• Rules & Regulations

Manicure & Pedicure
• Theory
• Procedure on model

Gel Product
• Presentation
• Theory

Gel Application / Gel Tips / Gel Extensions
• On fake hand
• On model

Equipment Use & Caretaking

Basic Nail Art

Курсы повышения квалификации для профессионалов

Boost Combi Manicure with Gel Polish Application (Colour and French)

Acrylgel Basics (refill, new set, extension with dual forms, ombre, nail correction)

No Filing Technique with Ombre-made-easy, Salon Technique

Advanced Nail Art

Perfect Nail Photo Shooting (without photoshop) 

Наши тренеры

Наша команда опытных тренеров привносит в каждый курс богатый опыт и знания. Обладая страстью к искусству маникюра и стремлением к совершенству, они проведут вас через тонкости этого ремесла, гарантируя, что вы получите высочайший уровень образования. Наши преподаватели здесь, чтобы вдохновлять, обучать и расширять ваши возможности на пути к тому, чтобы стать квалифицированным мастером маникюра, от основ до продвинутых техник.

Marianna Christou

Basic Gel Course

Marianna is a dedicated wife, mother, and accomplished businesswoman with a passion for sharing her expertise in nail technology. Known for her personalised approach and keen eye for detail, Marianna builds a one-on-one connection with each student, ensuring a high standard of professional training.

Her remarkable ability to guide beginners, combined with her patience and skill, empowers students to transition into confident, skilled nail technicians.

Christiana Michael

Basic Manicure & Pedicure

Christiana began her journey in the nail industry in 2007, initially working as a receptionist. Her fluency in English allowed her to assist English-speaking students by translating theory lessons and participating in the practical portions of the course. Inspired by her exposure to the field, she pursued her own certification and became a skilled nail technician.

Since then, Christiana has taken on the role of instructor, teaching both theory and practical elements of manicure and pedicure. Her dedication has helped guide many students as they embark on their own careers in the nail industry.

Eszter Jakab

Basic & Advanced Manicure & Gel Courses

With a profound passion for nail artistry, I started my journey in 2017 undergoing my first nail course. After completing my initial training, I earned my diploma in 2018 from the esteemed Marianna, owner of CMarianna Nails Ltd. Since then, I have gained comprehensive experience across multiple salons, mastering various aspects of this craft. 

My commitment to excellence led me to pursue advanced courses both in Cyprus and Hungary, where I had the privilege of training under renowned experts in the field. These enriching experiences have enabled me to develop my unique techniques and further refine my skills. 

Currently, I am advancing my expertise by undertaking the Nail Master Educator program with a World Champion Nail Master. My goal is to inspire and mentor other passionate nail technicians, helping them build confidence and achieve excellence in the art of Nail Technology.

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